Currently codenamed: Omega
007 will return to Newgrounds in a third soundtrack. The approach will be different. I need YOUR help to inspire me and suggest what you want to hear in this (Hopefully) massive sized soundtrack. I am targeting June for the release of the Main Theme song titled "I fear." and No I didn't get someone to sing for it though that would make it awesome. I doubt I'll find whom I want to sing for it.
I had previously codenamed Eurodie as SeaFire with it originally being a soundtrack designed around the novel but it did inspire the story for Eurodie.
Ironix was originally Ironic with really no clear direction for the story.
Omega is going to revolve around counter-terror and focus on 007's motivation for Queen and Country. A Powerless but forceful assassin for the British Government. So I will probably write the story out as Dossiers like previously but add in outcome of the mission under the Official Dossier to make it feel like a progessing story.
Suggest locations to visit, movies for X soundtracks, games for X soundtracks, and ideas!
Thank you for the support over the years Newgrounds!