Very professional presentation! I love emotional epic pieces and can’t wait to see what you can produce!
Very professional presentation! I love emotional epic pieces and can’t wait to see what you can produce!
Thank you so much for the kind words I really appreciate it.
Good Job! Its sounds very well made. Very enjoyable experience!!!
I really appreciate it my dude! Had a lot of fun making it!
I have no feedback that could help you make this better. Its perfect.
It gives me Paper Mario Thousand Year Door vibes and I love it.
Excellent Work!!!
I appreciate you!
I think you have the right idea, I would definitely consider the volume. As you can see the wave lengths in the list. If it touches the bar its too loud. I've had some in the past that crackled.
Also note that you have the tools to be as creative as you want to be. Don't hold back! Good Job!!!
Thank you for noticing me!
You're 100% right with volume. Should I reupload?
Not bad, just a few notes
- The sound design is way too loud I had to turn down my mic
- I feel like this would be something in an Atari or NES Horror Game. I love that.
- I feel like there is much more that you could have done with this and would like to see a longer version.
- As an ambient track, It gets the job done!
Keep at it!!
All my music is recommended to listen to it in between 30s to 50s, Many of my old songs are too low (50s to 70s)
If I was constipated. This audio would have cured me. Very Good.
I would lower the crackling sound by a hair as its definitely too loud and distracts from the track.
I know that's likely what a record player sounds like but sometimes for creative reasons there's nothing wrong with balancing things out for the sake of art.
Overall fantastic job!
I agreed so I lowered the vinyl affect I also thought it was to loud, thank you so much for listening!!
Very High Quality instruments! Once the synths come in, it starts to give me a John Carpenter vibe. Something he would have made for his earlier films. Good Job
Thank you so much! I do very much enjoy John Carpenter's synth vibes :)
I absolutely love Deep Strong Strings in anything. I feel like there are more things intended for this track. I highly recommend you continue working on it. Do not short the potential of this track! Great Job!!! Sounds like its straight out of Horror Film.
Thanks :D I might. One thing I wanted to do was have better transitions between the different parts
The ending is definitely my favorite part. Parts of the audio forced me to lower the volume. I would consider softening up.
The part where it sounds like a soft hand smacking a pan was slightly annoying specifically because it felt like it had no context.
When I write my original composition. I try tell a story through my music. You can do that through any type of music.
You do realize that one of the purposes of acousmatic music is to explicitly reject telling any sort of narrative, right? It's part of the idea of having sound being evaluated on their own merits, of the quality of the sound itself, rather than what it symbolizes or represents, because that takes away from the sound itself.
It feels like there's too much going on in the opening and in the background for Atmospheric but it nails the old school 1920 horror with sprinkles of 1970-80 horror. Keep it up!
Thanks. I was going for 30s and 80s, but that is just as good. Be sure to check out the whole album
Fairly experienced composer
Age 31, Male
Actor/Voice Actor
Joined on 11/25/09